A graduate of the School of Industrial Arts, and the Cooper Union
Art School, both in New York City, I then went on to study
ceramics in Los Angeles with Ron Klieber, Virginia Cartwright,
and later Wayne Higby and Robin Hooper.
2012: Winner of the Harnack/Lancaster Award foe excellence and innovation in the ceramic arts
Exhibits Include:
"Celebration of Clay", Sept 2012
“New Mexico Showcase, 516 Arts, ABQ 2012
Red Dot Gallery, Santa Fe, NM 2011
National Hispanic Cultural Center, permanent collection exhibit
“Estamos”, 2010
Harwood Art Center, Abq, 2011
Hester Fine Art, Chapel Hill, NC 2005-present
Univ of New Mexico, Los Alamos,
“Out of the Desert”, April 2003
San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts,
14th Annual Ceramics Show
Helix Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM 2001, 2000
“Ceramica Puertoriquena Hoy / Today”:
Alcazar Gallery, Baltimore, Nov 1998,
sponsored by Baltimore Clayworks
Clay Sudio, Philadelphia, PA, May 1998
“Arte de Hoy para el Futuro”, Santa Fe
State Capitol Building, May 1998
Ventana Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM
Sherman Oaks Gallery
Glendale Community College
Morgan Gallery, Kansas City, MO
East/West Gallery, La Cresenta, CA
Lever Bros Building Gallery, New York City, NY
A graduate of the School of Industrial Arts, and the Cooper Union
Art School, both in New York City, I then went on to study
ceramics in Los Angeles with Ron Klieber, Virginia Cartwright,
and later Wayne Higby and Robin Hooper.
2012: Winner of the Harnack/Lancaster Award foe excellence and innovation in the ceramic arts
Exhibits Include:
"Celebration of Clay", Sept 2012
“New Mexico Showcase, 516 Arts, ABQ 2012
Red Dot Gallery, Santa Fe, NM 2011
National Hispanic Cultural Center, permanent collection exhibit
“Estamos”, 2010
Harwood Art Center, Abq, 2011
Hester Fine Art, Chapel Hill, NC 2005-present
Univ of New Mexico, Los Alamos,
“Out of the Desert”, April 2003
San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts,
14th Annual Ceramics Show
Helix Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM 2001, 2000
“Ceramica Puertoriquena Hoy / Today”:
Alcazar Gallery, Baltimore, Nov 1998,
sponsored by Baltimore Clayworks
Clay Sudio, Philadelphia, PA, May 1998
“Arte de Hoy para el Futuro”, Santa Fe
State Capitol Building, May 1998
Ventana Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM
Sherman Oaks Gallery
Glendale Community College
Morgan Gallery, Kansas City, MO
East/West Gallery, La Cresenta, CA
Lever Bros Building Gallery, New York City, NY
Rooney, Ashley, “100
Southwest Artists”, Schiffer Publishing, 2013
Clark,Jimmy and Nogueira-Rogers, Doris “Ceramica Puertorriquena Hoy/Today”, Ceramic Art & Perception Pty Ltd, 2001
Douglas Fairfield, “NM Showcase”, Santa FE New Mexican, Mar, 2012
Wesley Pulkka, “An Overload of Superb Creation”, Abq Journal, March, 2012
“Celebration of Clay”, Rio Grande Sun, Sept 13, 2012
Clark,Jimmy and Nogueira-Rogers, Doris “Ceramica Puertorriquena Hoy/Today”, Ceramic Art & Perception Pty Ltd, 2001
Douglas Fairfield, “NM Showcase”, Santa FE New Mexican, Mar, 2012
Wesley Pulkka, “An Overload of Superb Creation”, Abq Journal, March, 2012
“Celebration of Clay”, Rio Grande Sun, Sept 13, 2012